Facebook Wants to know YOUR Experience

While I was on Facebook a couple of nights ago, a ribbon popped up  asking for a couple of minutes of my time for a quick survey. As a marketer and knowing the importance of surveys I went ahead and did it. Below you’ll see what questions they had asked me. I think this is the first time since creating a profile in which Facebook asks for an opinion on the user experience, which is a bit unorthodox for doing it now after hitting the one-billion mark.

In the 15-question survey, most questions revolved on the topics of privacy control,  quality, trustworthiness, and reliability of the experience I have had while using Facebook. I thought the survey was pretty easy to follow and understand and took me less than five minutes [including grabbing the screenshots] to complete! I wonder if they will make a follow-up survey for those who answered for a more detailed survey…

If you do see the ribbon I really suggest to take it because it does make a difference knowing this information as a company and have a consensus of what their users really think  of Facebook.

What questions would you have liked to see for them to ask?  Would YOU take it? Share your responses below!

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